Nice guide
Hey, I'm not very active with this forum but I play the game often. My IGN is Guponen and I'm level 34 currently. Was wondering if I could join?
Please see the Pheonix guild thread for entry requirements, thank you.
Thank you very much for this fantastic guide
It was a big help in getting my sorcerer to level 41![]()
Thank you for this post, very informative!
Nice Guide and cheers for the tips
Great guide!
Does anyone know if Locks drop from all three bosses still?
Thanks Serancha... I forgot I posted the question here. I was running and getting them from all the bosses and the last boss does seem to drop them most often.
Sera i read all the post from page 1 to 9 and then i tried my own experience about WT4 and KT4
many PPl think Wt4 is better and i also thought this when i started reading your post but at the end i thought of trying both of them
the result which camed in my experience is that Kt4 better cuz of the following reasons
1: Gaves u xp at every mob u kill
2: Faster then Wt4
3: Easy to do at any class
4: great amount of essence drop
5: Locks group (commonly)
i thought Wt4 was better but i was wrong now i suggest every body who things Wt4 is better try both and u will get the result
Thank your for making such a helpful guide Sera
This is a sit down and take notice guide. Well done, and thank you
Does the pull guide and stuff u mentioned above works well in solo?Cuz im lv41 and am just farming kills
Yeah. I do half-maps when soling. Kill all on one side, the boss rooms and 3 bosses (for crate drops), then out and repeat. The number of kills for the last 2 rooms isn't really worth the extra time it takes solo. And this way you get more chances at crates, since your runs are short.
With the adventurer's kit, abandon, eggshell band proc, combo lix, 7 day, +50%, and +25% XP elixirs, how much xp per run with a full party in kt4?
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese Proverb
IGN: Pureloot
You can't stack all those. You can do 7 day, combo, pet, adventurer and jewlery. You cannot add the single 50% xp or a 25% xp elixir to the stack.
Personally I wouldn't use eggshell band, since removing a pile of stats just slows you down so each run takes longer. Since it only has a "chance" at bonus xp, I would rather do faster runs and skip the chance.
Last I checked, experience sharing wasn't working (This was last September / October and I don't know if this has been fixed). I can't run full party tests at this point because my toons are capped, and my alts are not planning to level up.
Good job!
GT-P3110 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi
Maemet - 41 Level Warrior
Do Rengol crates drop here as frequently as they do in km3?
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese Proverb
IGN: Pureloot
I get quite a few lock drops in KT4. I make a point of killing all 3 bosses though. It adds about 10-15 seconds to each run but I like the extra chances of looting a lock.