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Thread: Elite Chronicles: Solo Adventures in the Elite Maps of Arlor

  1. #21
    Senior Member Madnex's Avatar
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    Senior Member GoodSyntax's Avatar
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    Added Ashral Tower (Inanhesh) walkthrough.

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

  3. #23
    Banned Soundlesskill's Avatar
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    For some reason, I never check these sticky things. However, I just saw this one. I gotta say I'm yet again impressed! Nice work

    A small suggestion:

    Add a solo Palm Rock, where the Firesquid drops. Great sorce of income . My guildies and I run it all the time.

  4. #24
    Forum Adept Endroids's Avatar
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    Tons of useful info

  5. #25
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    Wow, amazing......

  6. #26
    Senior Member Azemen's Avatar
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    I have to say I looted Loki and Kettle from Thunk and Jarl today in the same run, so Thunk isn't completly safe from harm. Loki is worth 15k and Kettle has been in CS for 30k recently, idk why.
    "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese Proverb
    IGN: Pureloot

  7. #27
    Senior Member GoodSyntax's Avatar
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    Updated to add a Planar Tombs 2 guide.

    Video guide this time....let me know if you like the new format better, or the older, screenshot style format.

    AL: Kalizzaa
    Retired Officer of <Elite Runners>
    Elite Chronicles: Solo guides for elite maps - No longer maintained

  8. #28
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    I Like the old format better, but then I am old. Still awesome what you do though!!
    Last edited by Yoasaan; 02-07-2015 at 11:42 PM.

  9. #29
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    planar tombs 3 on its way...
    Last edited by Wazakesy; 03-31-2015 at 11:43 PM.

  10. #30
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    can i just ask do you need myth gear to run elite with rogue or is good jewelled legendary gear ok?

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    Thank you .... ..

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    [QUOTE=GoodSyntax;1573349]Soloing - it's a challenge unlike any other in the elite world of Arlor. Most of these elite maps have been designed for parties, and while some may be quite easy, and some are just plain fun to run, others are quite challenging. Many of the strategies that are successful when used in a group fail miserably when you are soloing. Soloing elite maps is the essence of strategy; a far more graceful and intense experience than the furious button mashing and repositioning that many associate with elite runs.

    To date, I have written many guides on how to successfully solo the various elite maps of Arlor. Each map has their own threats, their own strategies, and, while some of the early maps can be blasted through with overwhelming firepower (Elite Forest, for example), there are many maps that require...finesse.

    Below are a list of the guides that I have written to date to help you on your journey into successful solo elites. Some of the strategies contained will be useful to speed up your run, while others strategies will be useful for survival. All of these strategies can be used when in parties, because to truly know the nuances of the map, the mobs within, the strategies, the pulls and the reset points, you should be able to handle everything from a solo run, or a terrible PUG, to even a Pro farming group.

    Without further introduction, below are my list of guides in the Elite Chronicles series (guides written by someone other than me is noted and credited with **):

    The easiest elite maps in the game. At this point, any Rogue should be able to blast through these maps. These are generally fun, quick runs that you can use when you only have a couple of minutes left on a reroll elixir.

    Elite Forest - Stabb
    This guide was written for maximum efficiency and timed runs for solo Rogues. If executed properly, runs should not even last two minutes. This is a terrific place to use up the last couple of minutes of reroll elixir. Since the threat level is low, this is also a fun place to get a quick run in if you are don't have (or don't want) a party.
    Valuable Drops: Kettle Egg
    Threat Level: 1
    Estimated Time To Run: 2:00

    Elite Brackenridge - Jarl/Thunk
    This guide is several seasons old, and while the strategy itself no longer applies (since you can simply overwhelm this map with firepower), it covers a very basic principle that you will need to successfully solo future elite maps - mob separation. This strategy will show you how to separate ranged mobs (archers) from the melee mobs (spearmen). I do not recommend proceeding to Thunk, since he does not even have the possibility of anything approaching decent loot.
    Valuable Drops: Loki Egg
    Threat Level: 1
    Estimated Time To Run: 1:30

    Mostly easy elite maps, which serve as a nice progression for those that are new to elites. Most maps here can be soloed without issue, and most of these maps still take no more than 7 or 8 minutes to solo. Low threat level, fast runs and the potential for decent loot make these maps very popular with PUGs.

    Elite Rooks Nest - Bael
    A super popular map for PUGs and pro's alike. This map is quick, not very pot intensive and if you get lucky, the loot is worthwhile. It's a great place to start sharpening your soloing skills, since there is the potential that you could get overwhelmed, but with the current gear and level cap, you still have the ability to blast your way out.
    Valuable Drops: Malison Egg
    Threat Level: 3
    Estimated Time To Run: 5:00 (4:00 in party)

    These maps are a big step up in challenge from previous campaigns. These maps are long, the mob density is high and most of these maps (except one) have nothing of value to offer for the effort you put in. You will rarely find PUGs in these maps except for Lost Mage's Mine, which is one of the most popular elite maps in the game.

    **Lost Mage's Mine - Antee
    A very popular map for PUGs and pro's alike. This map is reasonably quick, perfect for solo or party runs and the boss has a small loot table with TWO mid-value eggs. Just be careful that you don't get overwhelmed here because with the Wizards spawning additional mobs, the sheer volume of mobs can overrun you.
    Valuable Drops: Snaggletooth Egg, Wrathjaw Egg, Elite Golden Banded Chest
    Threat Level: 5
    Estimated Time To Run: 3:30 (2:00 in party)
    ** Credit to Alfai for this guide

    These maps are generally considered to be of average difficulty. Most of these maps can be soloed with patience; however, the last map in this campaign was widely considered the most challenging map to be released and held that title for two complete seasons. At this point, these maps, and Palm Rock in particular, are what most elite farming guilds will want to see you running successfully, because they offer a reasonable challenge on a recruiting run, but are not so difficult to turn off prospects or annoy recruiters.

    Skull Cove - Blood Hammer
    At one time, this was the scariest map in the game. Endless waves of mobs, a long map, and a high number of kills needed to spawn the boss....and that's when the real fun begins. Fortunately, the difficulty level has dropped as our level and gear have improved. So what was once widely regarded as a struggle bus or suicide mission, is now just a moderate challenge.
    Valuable Drops: Kraken Skewer, Elite Golden Pirate Chest (EGPC)
    Threat Level: 7
    Estimated Time To Run: 15:00 (9:00 in party)

    Long maps, annoying environmentals, hard hitting mobs and unique bosses summarize this campaign's maps. For the most part, only one of the maps in this season is farmed with any regularity, and that is Oltgar Keep. Jurn Woods (Maneater) is farmed occasionally; however, Oltgar Keep, and the drops that Frostir has are where the action is at.

    Oltgar Keep - Frostir
    A suitably challenging map that is one of the top 5 maps for PUGs. The mobs hit hard, and some basic strategy is needed, even in a party. Map environmentals (ice patches) make their first appearance in Arlor, causing several seasons of grief and annoyance for elite farmers. Getting to Frostir can be challenging, and many have complained about Frostir's "red zone glitches," but the rumors of Entombed Hammers hidden within are true.
    Valuable Drops: Entombed Hammer, Elite Golden Warchest (EGW)
    Threat Level: 8
    Estimated Time To Run: 16:00 (10:00 in party)

    Long maps, more environmentals, hard hitting mobs, and devastating debuffs can be found here. Only two maps here get farmed with any regularity, Ferrix and Overgrowth. Undim fields is a superbly challenging (though generally unpopular) map which, with the right group, is insanely fun; however, these maps are not for the new-to-elite crowd. These maps require teamwork, strategy and patience.

    Forest Breach - Ferrix
    Everyone's favorite bad-guy mage. This map is a great test of kiting ability (when soloing), and really requires resets and separation strategies. A good group can simply round 'em up and knock them down, but good solo Rogues will need something a bit more stealthy for survival.
    Valuable Drops: Architect Pylons, Elite Golden Puzzleboxes (EGP), Low Probability of Archon Rings
    Threat Level: 8.5
    Estimated Time To Run: 20:00 (11:00 in party)

    Ashral Tower - Inanhesh
    Until recently, this was one of the most unpopular maps, but now, with one of three parchments required for the Nekro recipe, this map is finally getting some love. Granted, there really isn't anything of value that drops here, aside from the parchment, but for those that choose to farm here, what appears to be pure insanity actually results in a very comfortable run.
    Valuable Drops: Parchment, Elite Golden Puzzleboxes (EGP)
    Threat Level: 7
    Estimated Time To Run: 17:00 (11:00 in party)

    Extremely long maps, very difficult mobs, hard hitting mobs and mob densities unlike any other campaign makes this seasons maps the most difficult ones yet. Upon it's initial release, many thought they were "too hard," "too elite," "only for Pro's," but, if these guides teach anything, Skill and Strategy are more important. Right now, the elite drops from here are the most valuable in the game and the hardcore elite farmers are running these maps aggressively. Learn some of the strategies and familiarize yourself with these maps in normal mode before entering the elite versions - because some of these maps are getting close to landing on my "impossible to solo list."

    Tindirin [The Wilds] - Drake
    The most popular of the new elite maps, and also one of the easiest and most profitable. Elite farmers and converging on this map in droves! Don't be left out. In this guide, I took on the challenge of running this map in Crate gear, to see if it is as difficult as people say they are, or if it is more a matter of a weakness in strategy - I believe it is the latter.
    Valuable Drops: Magmatic Blades, Elite Golden Dragonscale Chest (EGD)
    Threat Level: 9
    Estimated Time To Run: 23:00 (13:00 in party)

    Tindirin [Jagged Trail] - Tribal Abomination
    Another challenging and long map to run, but probably the most achievable from a solo point of view. It is certainly difficult, and it involves a very long run to the boss, bypassing half a map full of mobs, but generally, the map is not as ugly as people think it is.
    Valuable Drops: Magmatic Staves, Elite Golden Dragonscale Chest (EGD)
    Threat Level: 9
    Estimated Time To Run: 19:00 (12:00 in party)

    Tindirin [Rockhorn Summit] - Rendtail
    A very challenging map to run, and probably the least achievable from a solo point of view for anyone without top gear. It is difficult, and it involves a very brutal run to the boss, bypassing a lot of hard hitting (and stunning) mobs. The other difficult aspect is the possibility of eggs spawning and the chaos that ensues.
    Valuable Drops: Magmatic Armor, Elite Golden Dragonscale Chest (EGD)
    Threat Level: 9.5
    Estimated Time To Run: 22:00 if no eggs hatch, 29:00 if they do hatch (18:00 in party)

    Long maps, devastating environmentals, hard hitting mobs, and crushing debuffs can be found here. There are only three Planar Tombs, but Tomb 2 seems to be the most popular by far. These maps are (with the exception of T3) fun, challenging and potentially rewarding (assuming you get lucky and drop a chest or a high end Legendary). Unlike other maps, Fragments drop on every map, so there is value in simply running the maps.

    Planar Tombs 2- Sorrax NEW!
    Super popular farming map. High end parties will clear this map in under 10:00, and the loot can be very profitable. Two Planar Fragments drop on this map, so even if you come up empty drop-wise, you at least are getting that much closer to fragment purchasable, high value items.
    Valuable Drops: Planar Chests, Planar Rods (with Brutality being the most desirable)
    Threat Level: 8
    Estimated Time To Run: 20:00 (10:00 in party)

    If there is anything that I missed, anything incorrect or anything that you would like for me to add to this (or any of my guides), please let me know.[/QUO
    Cool yes yes

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