I currently have a 45 str/dex vixen, so I guess I can give you some tips. But before I do, keep in mind that these are personal preferences that I feel make a stronger overall character.

For attribute points, I go str/dex. Choose which one you want to have more of: More str for being more tanky, or dex for more damage. Just keep in mind that you need 157 of str to use Savage at level 75. The reason I'd go for str items is that you still do solid damage in combination with the ranger skills and str is overall most powerful late game due to high dodge, armor, and solid damage.
For skill assignments, disregard Bandage! It doesn't do squat while your in combat and is worthless when you have health/mana potions. I find Poison Needles, Fox Howl, and Rage Tonic to be pretty effective in PvE. Evasion is also solid, but I'm not sure how effective Fury is if you already have enough dex to have sold hit%. Really upgrading any skill that does damage, like Hamstring, Vixen Kick, or Poison Dart, is good. Just ignore the worthless skills like Bandage.