I think people should watch this: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HwELajFteTo
After hearing this song so many times over the years I never bothered to see the music video until I was told I should. The lyrics send a message and the video makes that message even stronger. People go on in their everyday lives without even thinking what their daily routine does to the world. Even if its not your type of music, you should still listen to the words and watch it. Maybe next time you'll think about what you do and what the consequences may be. I always have done what I can to limit how much electricity I use and how much carbon I put into the atmosphere. I re-use things that I can. Heck I don't even have air conditioning, its just as easy to open a few windows. In my earth science class we did a project to show how many earths it would take if everyone on earth lived the same way I do. Even though I limit things it still would take 5.5 planet earths if everyone lived how I do. We are trashing our planet and it will never be the same way it used to be again.

When a friend saw this it reminded him of another song: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RCboE7dhKx4
Even if you don't like this type of music either (I know I don't) you should still check it out anyways.