Quote Originally Posted by Dragoonclaws View Post
complicated... I deleted one to create an other

It was Dxclaw

1- Dragoonclaws (main eng)
2- Armadylian (op first char)
3- Zaamorak (com)
4- Dragonxclaws (K/D ratio)
5- Tormentedemon (new char)
6- Bpmguildbank (storage of lvl30+ items to reward guildies)
7- Tuguildbank (Storage of lvl25- items to reward guildies)
8- Dragoncraft (Storage of craft items)
9- Doclaws (Collection)

The Barrow Brothers:

10- Veracbarrow (will level up and cap one day)
11- Ahrimbarrow (will level up and cap one day)
12- Guthanbarrow (will level up and cap one day)
13- Toragbarrow (will level up and cap one day)
14- Dharokbarrow (will level up and cap one day)
15- Karilbarrow (will level up and cap one day)