Hi Guys,

My suggestion is all about "Auction Sorting per class".. To Explain what I meant let me give you my scenario..
I buy all my weapon and armors probably 1-2 levels ahead, example if I'm lvl 20 I buy gear level 21-22 in advance so I can socket them and be ready when I reach lvl 21 or 22.. Good strategy right? but here's my problem.. If I'm browsing auction using my lvl 20 warrior and I type lvl 22 weapons and check "Usable items" it won't show me any items because I'm just lvl 20.. Now if I unchecked the "Usable items" it will show all the weapons on lvl 22 for all classes (Warrior, Mage and Rogue)...

Would it be possible to add a drop down menu to choose which class to view (eg, warrior, mage and rogue) that way if I want to search for just warrior armor higher than my level it would still show..

If this is implemented, I can easily browse high level weapons and armors for my class easily.. I know it's not much but if you guys are thinking things to improve in game, this could be one of them..

Thank You STS and keep up the good work!