Try my l35 voodoo setup,

75 int all dex

6 frostbite 6 light 6 heal 1 icestorm 1 fire 6 bom 6 bov 2 drain.

Any ring does fine as long as you have that gruesome or shrunken head.

However, 1 fire does blow against 35 mages since they dodge a lot, so make sure to get a paw for them.

My nuke 35 build:

This is a really weird build, and it really is depended on drain.

6 buffs 6 drain 6 light 5 fire 1 frostbite 1 ms 3 heal.

What you do is use light drain frost fire and keep on healing, make sure to create distance or else you will die, and then when your drain is ready, quickly use drain ice light fire combo and use ms so that the opponent drains your mana not your hp (Which disables their hp regeneration) and you have the round.