I have started playing end game pvp a lot and I'm enjoying it as a rogue. But when I run into a team full of tanks most of the time I'm screwed. I've practiced my tactics a lot for 1v1 vs tanks and its getting better. But when you face a team of them theirs nothing you can do. All they do is heal,swing,stun then proc with maul or glaive haha. The skill that sxrews you hard is the tanks invincibility when HOR is casted. I mean I don't run into many teams with 4 tanks but still a team of 3 tanks is still overpowered. Basically what I'm saying I'm saying is as a rougue or Mage your at a 0 percent chance of killing a team of tanks. They need to make it wear 2 tanks max on a team haha. Also maybe could a rogue get a self heal or stun skill besides a charged bow attack that doesn't ever work? p.S not to be a negative post