Hi! im new player. Short story i have played twink from 18 to 23 to 30 but im still worsee . Now i have a plan to play in higher lv but 35 reaper and int halloween are expensive and 40 reaper more expensive than savage scythe and i think its better to save 35 plat for spooky shield than buy a plat pack. Ow few days ago someone told me 45 bear use ballista from AO that like 9k in cs and halloween and if i compare to 35 and 40, 45 its okay for low budget like me but idk 45 lv bear its good or no. So to all pro players at dis forum, i need your help? yess you are ? give me ems :s. Hmm build ofc and ( for my sakes im not publish my ign cause if i do you will reply like "hey i farm you yesterday") thanks =))