I will begin by Telling you all i am a rogue.
So now let's start the math, i am no hardcore elite farmer, or a pvper. I just play with my guildies and help them with what I can, and chat alot.
But, all this helping, and all my aps work, makes me burn about 500-600 manapots every single day. Not much compared to the pros, but a good amount.
Considering 100 manapots Costs 700 gold, i use up 3500+ every day. Now this migh seem like a small sum, but if you take this Times 30 (a month) you get at least 105k every month on potions, Only the manapots.
And as i get better and better gear, it feels like my mana is getting lower in the same rate as the damage increase.
I really can not Stand this Cost every day, since, as i Said, i barely have any income.
Now you are propably thinking "but Jina, i can easily get that amount of Money from my dailies!"
Well, I do not do any of my dailies except tokens, to get characterslots, and i do not plan on starting to do them.
The thing i will ask you all is following:
Is it Worth it to spend a few statpoints on int?