Once the level cap is reached what is left? Farm massive gold? Wait for new campaigns? We need to remake these (minigames?) and make them fun and usefull! Instead of bringing near impossible new ideas to the floor id just like to see a re-do of the ones we have!

Pvp - Is in a much needed revamp, not only solving level differences, leaving, and many other problems, besides the well respected top 5 leaderboard Pvp'ers lets make it worthwhile? I think spacetime should toy with the idea of staking/dueling. Pvp is a whole different aspect of the game and you should not have to farm gold in campaigns to make a living when all we want to do is Pvp, to all (insert word) talkers, it will give them a new found respect to not talk as much when their gold is in your invent I think this puts a whole new twist and want on Pvp and who actually has the best rotation and faster clicks.

Ctf - Is this dead? I see no use for Ctf other than a break from farming, my idea is to make real teams for this to bring fun to Ctf and use to guilds/teams and possibly get a nice guild/team system to PL. A very hard idea to bring but i believe it is possible. If we brought a Ctf leaderboard W/L NOT K/D i think it would bring a competitive aspect to the game. Sure Ctf needs a major revamp to make it REALLY entertaining but why not try? I think each "team" should have to fill their spots with a certain number of players and only players from the official list will be able to play for each team (because not every player from the list can be on at the same time so each guild should be allowed extra spots.) Introducing a competitive Ctf will bring more of a team aspect to the game.

Criticisms are welcome! If i forgot anything or you have your own thoughts pls post!