Quote Originally Posted by DivineMoustache View Post
50% crit means you have a theoretical 50% chance of crit. Most of us have experienced the thrill of 5 straight crits ending a fight or 5 straight dodges rather than the usually dodge 2 hit 2.
Eliminating these crit factors lowers the chance of lucky fight. I don't see how you can deny that...perhaps i'm not explaining it very well.

Also I'm not saying that sewer was NOT unbalanced though I may have given out that assumption. What I meant is that it's a poor choice to limit ourselves to sewer age crit and dodge factors. see above.

Your point on balanced and not stronger was interesting, made me realize that yes, they are not stronger, but only have more HP and less dodge and crit chance. However, this will not prevent a rebalance of all items, because the previously mentioned purps/greens will have have a normal current day level of dodge/crit as well, which will still require rebalance of nearly every item to prevent "drainer's rage" I.E. oranges dodging more than pinks/crit more than pinks.

It is also pretty damn hard to farm Feast with a team of green fellers and lower level people. You're pro, I can understand you finding a good *** team or carrying the team on your back. Not everyone comes into the game with the common knowledge of how to wreck aunt emma or edward.

I also think it's important to keep skill progression the same because my idea is to NERF crit %, and INCREASE damage to a balanced level with less dodge and more HP.
The point is that the sewer cap worked. It's viewed as balanced and fun. A little luck is good. We shouldn't try to change something that works. If everyone clearly loves the sewer age, then let's recreate it. The rebalance is not based on luck at all. Obviously skill will prevail. Even now I can consistently kill each class even though it's unbalanced.

Also I don't see the problem with drainer. The current greens are not nearly overpowered and won't be overpowered with the rebalance.

Increasing skills to 9. More dodge. More crit. More damage. Not a good idea. There is still progression. But in a lesser extreme.

If you're talking about overall balance and community happiness, this is the way to go. As simple as that.