Hey guys

Im quite new to this game, but ive been playing mmos for quite a while now (especially world of warcraft for a few years). I have a few questions for you guys, cause im not sure yet if i want to spend money on this game.

-how is the "end game" content? like what do you do after you are max level? Raids or rated PvP or something like that?

-is PvP balanced? And also: I tried it a few times, but i couldnt figure out where i can see the health bar of my enemy? I was never sure how much hp he had left.

-Are there pvp level brackets? For example 10-19,20-29, etc or could it technically happen that a level 10 char meets some level 50 in pvp?

-would you recommend buying more content? It this game really fun?

I would really appreciate some answers
Thanks in advance.