So, I am a level 36 enchantress and am camping in Swamp for some time. I find it frustrating why there are never any Boss Brawl rooms open accept for private level 50 rooms, and most of the times they don't want you there. I asked many of my IG friends and strangers to join in, but many of them simply won't reply. In the end, wither my patience runs out, or we just keep dieing. I know I can solo the dungeon, but then that's too slow and risky. I only have one RL friend who also plays this game but he isn't always that active.

In just three runs, one with my friend and two with level 50s, we managed to loot 2 pinks and 2 purples in the short time we spent. So why don't people do Boss Brawl? Or am I missing something?