They were giving out 10*3= 30 S&S and 3 SnS from forum contests. Should have been 33 SnS. Instead of that there Will be 43 SnS now. (13 rogues from Lb, 13 mages from Lb, 14 warrior for Lb).
If goblin event was a test run why didn't they get a way to rid of that tied rewards!!
I don't understand it, if there are two players at #1, the next rank should be #3, not #2 like STS puts in their Lb. If there are 3 players at #7 the next player shouldn't be #8 but #10.
I have no offense against anyone. Congratulations to all SnS winners. Just stating the fact.
Will like to know what ARLOR Fellows' opinions are on this issue!!