So, I've been wondering how this company has been faring these days.

I remember the staff members being very active w/ the community.

Participating in forum games, actively making posts, and even joking around here and there.
(Some staff members would even attend farewell "parties" of well-known members.)

- The events were great as well.

They most certainly created an environment in which positive nature flourished.

At one point, when the forums really started to ~blossom~ they implemented a feature in the home-screen telling the players to check out the forums.
^ Really good decision ^random tidbit of info

Ahhh well the forums and the people here were what tied me to continue playing - Absolutely the BEST community I have ever been a part of.

T.T seems wayyy too inactive these days.

Back to my main point, how has STS been doing?

Have the new games been good? Is their budget still stable? Direction in which they have been molding their brand to be? <--- It would be much appreciated if you guys would give replies pertaining to this area.

- A synopsis of STS games 2012-2014 would be great as well