I believe that the damage % nerf could be kept at 10-15% for rogues at tdm and ctf
However, I am quite sore about how the pet damage percentages do not show.
I agree rogues were op without the damage nerfs and the pet damage percentage nerfs, especially at higher end game levels.
But rogues like us who reside at lower levels don't one combo lol, a combo at best does 1/2 to a warrior at lvl 15 and 1/3 to a warrior at lvl 13-14; easily healable with hor and vb and this is considering the fact that we crit everytime and at the highest possible damage, which is not possible.
So maybe keep the 10% damage nerf to rogues but not allowing it to completely override the damage percentage boosts from pets?
*Rogues do need a nerf. Even at lower levels, but this nerf in ctf is too much to handle. Fights take forever if we don't get extremely lucky with crits against warriors.