Not gonna lie... I have been a mage for 3 years now, and this description of what a mage is supposed to do offends me.

Anyone that has ever gotten that help thing saying: Birds and mages: Don't rush a room alone, and is a good mage, knows exactly what I am talking about...

As a mage, I have the ability to debuff, heal, survive, do massive damage, tank, everything and anything. All at once. Sure, I have had 3 years to master this. But I recently tried making a bear and a bird. Went into it with mage mentality (solo everything to 65). Didn't work out. I have 3 mages right now, all with under 2K deaths, (one under 300 deaths, and has warlord title) and they all solo'ed to where they are. My level 51 dex mage? 22K kills, 105 deaths. 69 mage? 39K kills, 273 deaths. First mage I ever had (the one I mastered mage class with) 57K kills, 1634 deaths. All solo.

It offends me to say I'm squishy like a bird, and that I'm meant to support. That's how mage was intended. That's not how it is.


For the most part, I agree with this. Birds DPS and avoid combat, bears tank, rhino's tank/support, foxes DPS and avoid combat. The only thing I disagree with is mages.

This is very good for the non-solo newb, that is just learning the basis of the game tho. *cough*magesdonteversupportgiveusallbadnames*cough *