Hey there. I'm pretty new but as I'm working my way up the levels, my head is spinning with all the selling offers going on. I've looked around for some guides to pricing, but most of what I find is for very high level stuff.

Can any veterans offer some advice for what you should expect to pay for certain level pink, purples or greens? Say, under lvl 20? I know it's all a huge array of quality and value, not to mention the plethora of types of weapons and armor, but thinking about other newbs I'm hoping to keep people from getting burned by somebody selling a junk piece for 10K.

Let me set the stage by stating that today I was offered two different axes, an epic axe (epic = purple, right) which the seller said at varying times he would sell for 4K, 6K or 7K. Then 5 minutes later I was offered a pink axe of legend for 2500. I took the latter offer, thinking, hey, that's better than the other axe for 4K, but still scratching my head, unsure if I was ripped off or not.

Like I said, I looked around and didn't find any good general guidelines that were looking out for the newb buyer, so I hope this thread can grow a bit to help us out.