1. Spacetime Studios Forum Name:Seth Garcia
2. In Game Character Names:Frostyproud,Frostyprouds
3. Why do you want to join The Community Guild?It I'd quite the Fun Guild and Being Part Of Tcg Would Be a Quite The satisfaction
4. Where/how did you hear about us?On Forums & Facebook
5. When did you join the Spacetime community?I join in 2012
6. Have you read and agreed to the guild rules?Yes I Have read Agreed to you're terms
7. Do you have any experience hosting contests/events? Specify.No I don't have any experience But I hope to host one soon.
8. What do you have to offer? I have to offer loyalty,& To offer you guys If you need help with anything
9.How can you meet our needs?I can make you're needs by Posting Tcg Screen shots of quite the extatic Pictures.