Quote Originally Posted by Epw View Post
Right. Id suggest you to lvl up first.. as you leveling up, youll get the pinks sooner or later in the process. Its kinda easy to get a crystalline/earthquake/onyx drop at sandstone cave while you are grinding there. Your next valuable pinks may come from balefort sewers. As far as i experienced, the drop rate is a bit lower there, but still worths the time. From 56 you have better odds to drop a pink at nuris. The best stuffs are the lv 56 items there and the blade steels (these are pretty hard to drop tho). If im right, you can go to mt fang from 58, but id stay at nuris until lv 60 and run funhouse. After that, your goal is to complete all the fang maps to unlock feast map and have a chance for a dragon vanity drop. After leaving fang, you should farm all the humanian maps continuosly either for xp and some pretty nice loot. At lv 68/69 youll face with bsm maps, where (imo) the nest runs are the best place to gain xp. The process is the same as humania; grind all of the maps and earn some xp until you hit 76. The elite red dragon boss (slayer) may be one of your best place to farm..
So if i were you, as i wrote above, focus on leveling first, and you will find your luck somewhere. Good luck, and welcome!
I would do this too.