Quote Originally Posted by Itoopeo View Post
I just figured out why im not on the list:
I have personally never met this guy who made this list so he has propably asked some of those rich commandos who are the best engineers they know. And at my last few months in game i had like 1 or 2 commando friends and rest I farmed with the help of operatives just to speed the process up.

Ask Drioyard if hes still around, I used to 1v1 him so much at the end
Hello! You are a really good player and you do know me. The reason why you did not make this list is because as mentioned earlier, this list is fairly biased due to it being of a single opinion. I have fought you before and I have lost many times over, but there are certain things I do not appreciate while PvPing and you may have been checked by one or more of those things. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will add you to the list.