I am surely still considered a noob but am going to lay down some information that I acquired by experience within my first months here in AL. I started playing during the Halloween event and have managed to do pretty well comparing myself to others I see who have played the same time or longer.

1. Leveling to 41. I got to level 20 pretty fast doing the campaign maps over and over again. From 20 to 25 I ran kraag tombs. After 25 I did only watchers tomb 4 and the 2 daily quests in nordr for 300 exp each. The road from 25 to 41 is long and boring doing just WT4 but simple. Log on. Do the 2 daily quests for 600 exp and follow up with WT4. After I hit 41 I went back to the maps I didn't do before for the quests and APs.

2. Saving Gold - don't buy stuff from other players unless you know the true value. I only deal with the auction bc the prices are set and there's no chance of a scam.
NEVER FEED YOUR PETS. This is the number 1 mistake I see everyday. Get multiples and level them up by switching them out.
A personal tip I used from a friend: only by gear every 5 lvls after you reach 20. 25, 30, 35, skip 40 and go 41. Unless you can afford myth.. buy that early.. and WRITE DOWN the prices you buy for. I sell everything at the same price if not 1 to 2k more. Hence make my money back so there's no lost profit.

3. Plat - DO NOT OPEN CRATES. Save your plat for the events that come along. My advice is to purchase energy kits and sell them. You get 1k gold per 1 plat for exchange. However energy kits are 25 plat for 5 individual energy things. They sell from 20 to 30k. I sold all at 25k each. Making 25 plat or gold into 100k gold.
Also don't use plat to buy anything you see in the "store" banners, vanitys, auc/inv/stash slots can be bought with gold or story tokens.

4. These events - from halloween until now vanities and pet prices from it has dropped significantly. However I kept all of my vanities and blinkys and will hold them for a while. Why?? You know the old grim vanity for mages and the mummy vanity for wars?? They are rediculously expensive.. the dark mummy and grim sets from this Halloween will be wanted in the future (hopefully). Hence prices will go up. However, that doesnt mean you go out and buy them now hoping for it to happen. I used my leftover tokens at the end of the event to get the vanities for free and stasted them for the holidays.. kind of like decorations you put up every holiday. Put the decorations away until next year. I'm hoping to do the same for this upcoming winter event.

5. Don't purchase plat with real money (if you can avoid) - people hate on plat farmers but if theyre going to give me 25+ plat to download and open an app.. I'm going to do it. Ill do it all the way down to the 2 plat offers. Got 205+ free plat this past week. I know some people can't do this. But if you live in the US and have a smart phone, most offers should be readily available.

I know this is a lot of info. But it's something I thought people should know to help out a little. I like comments and feedbafeedback but if you're going to be negative. .. please go and play runescape again.