After the initial influx of mythic recipes, there have been very few drops, bumping the price back to ridiculous levels that majority of players cannot afford. I, like many others, believe that STS increased the drop rate to excite us, then secretly nerfed it back to arcane status (not as rare as fossil thought, as I have heard of some drops). My suggestion is to leave the drop rate as it is, and make the recipe itself craft-able from crafting ingredients that are useless to us, namely ancient planar essences and (cleansed) boss essences from arena.

This will not make the ancient planar essences and boss essences actually useful and opposed to just utilizing inventory space. It will also make the arena worth farming again. I am not sure about the exact numbers, but I was thinking somewhere along the lines of 3-5 of each of the cleansed boss essences and also a small number of ancient planar ones (about 25-50). This is not an easy task as it will require over 200 ancient planar essences/ recipe crafted, which will take a minimum of 15-20 days. The numbers are subject to change and if anyone has any alternative ideas always grad to hear them.