First off Hello Sts Devs & Player Community,

I've read & made sure I understood your "The Frozen Frontlines Winter Event is Live in Arcane Legends!" Post that specifically says, craft normal ice chest to the rarer "Greater Ice-Chest" for chances at new legendary gear & possibly winter pet snowball.

Has the legendary loot been forgotten to be added to these chest/loot table? Similar to how the new Chillwind rings weren't properly added to loot table in chest. My concern as well as many other AL players is 1) The icescale gear particularly seems "more than just rare", it seems roughly non existent, especially at lower twink levels considering how long this event has been live

I look to sts forum post for accurate info on events, items, chest contents... and in the past days with this event most of the info posted by sts seems "Subject to change" or either incorrect, "Opps srry all we forgot this" I have opened a large amount of greater-ice chest to receive 100% gold returns, which is nothing out of the ordinary.. but when I've asked fellow guildmates that have opened way more Greater-Ice chest than I have, they ALL report only gold drops from these chest, not even green equip lol Thats why I decided to make this post.

I was planning on purchasing Greater-Ice chest recipe but before I do so & waste so many tokens, can my concern be clarified please by Devs. Gold is good & all but the reason any of us would bother using tokens to get recipe is for the equip that sts stated should drop from them. I was told that the legendary equip ONLY drops from Locked Ursume Chest.. I hope this is not the case.

P.S we are talking about "Legendary" equip here, so please don't give me the its a rare drop like we're looting arcane items from these chest or something.

Ty for your time..