Quote Originally Posted by mstj View Post
For twink pvp perspective.
+1 for singe. I personally don't play rogue but my friends who have Sam buy singe because simply it's better.

Sam is of course a decent pet with passive heals and panic. But if you die by 2 combo, there is no point to get 2% heals. When I vs, rogue with Sam hits hard but weak and rogue with singe hits weaker but hard to kill. (with same reason nekro is good too with its shield)
Greater stat help you to survive from other rogue's combo and aa buff is decent for user and whole team too.
No mana regen sucks but it's OK if you know how to work together with your tanks.

For low lvl pve, (I have singe on my mage and Sam on my warrior)
Only thing I feel better about Sam is fewer pot spam. Actually singe aa aoe hits harder than I thought. They both are good Imo.
Quote Originally Posted by Energizeric View Post
One thing nobody mentions here that is VERY noticeable is the damage that Singe himself causes. He is the only pet I have ever had at any level whose damage is actually noticeable. Usually we only notice pets that stun or give us buffs or health/mana regen. In the case of Singe, he just hits so much harder than any other pet, and even at level 10 he hits a whole group while most pets at level 10 only hit a single target with their AA. He also attacks much faster than other pets so will get in more hits in any given period of time than Samael will.
I kind of did. Xp