Very true indeed, STS are rushing new gears new pets too fast, it has got to be a fact that 70% of what they release is being buffed or nerfed after. And the worst part is, alot of people are complaining that STS keep on buffing this, nerfing that and because of that some items ect that NEED to be re-balanced are not going to be ( we don't know, STS did not say if they were going to do anything about those items). EXAMPLES:
-Nekro: Supposed to be the ''new best'' arcane pet. Alot of people have been complaining about that
-Mythic Recipe: nerf,buff,nerf,buff.........
-Breeze: Unbalanced and going to be ''Looked over'' ( STS clearlly stated that they would try to find a way to balance breeze without making him loose value)

And the Winter event was( I am sure) subject of hard work from the developpers who had not much time to prepare the winter event right after haloween event.

I Really enjoyed the haloween event , the Winter event however is...Neutral to me.Not bad or good, just casual. It is obvious STS had few timer to do original stuff after haloween event ect, so yes they should REDUCE NUMBER OF EVENTS and MAKE BETTER ONES as they say'' Quality over Quantity'' this proverb is VERY important for games!!!!! I Don't want to end this post negative way so i just want to add that i LOVE THIS GAME and THE COMUNITY OF AL + THE MODS/PRODUCERS