I'm Hiring for the guild

- Must be between L1-9.
- Must have a positive kd if u don't u can test to get in.

- I (lvlsixpvpr) and Zooschool will test and train paladins and help with gear and build
- Frozenxbone and Imaugg will train and test all new warriors and help with build and gear
- Coldxbone will train and test all enchantresses and help with builds and gear
- We do not yet have any pros to help with fox and archer but we will gladly test you XD.
- I will host the occasional giveaways and guild FFA and organized games with team captains.
- Frozenxbone- Master L9 Warrior
- Coldxbone- Officer L9 Enchantress
- Lvlsixpvpr- Officer L6 Paladin
- Imaugg- Officer L9 Enchantress
- Queima- Officer L9 Warrior