If the bear cannot properly tank (sadly most non-forumers can't but for a few exceptions) then yes, to me that bear is pretty much invisible. Now if the bear is good at tanking, they're are a blessing! Example- I ran a few hideout runs with -insert name here- (a bear who could not tank for his lfe) and we lost pur pots before we even got to Fever. Then, I ran a few with krazii, who's ah amazing tank. Our pots lasted through all of Fever and then some. So what I'm trying say is that if all bears could truly tank, I'd want one in every run. But now, automatically when a bear joins, I jump to the conclusion that our run is going to be slower than with a bird or Mage. It's very rare to find a good bear. I see bears who don't use beckon!!!!! My highest level bear is 38 and even I have come to realize how important it is! It's like an archer not using blast shot or focus. Oh well, I'm just glad there's a few (including you fluff) who still know how to play their char to it's fullest. They're definitely becoming a minority...