Hey guys,
I've cleaned up the thread - let's keep it friendly.![]()
Hey guys,
I've cleaned up the thread - let's keep it friendly.![]()
Very good point, perhaps not a good mage, just a mage.
And if 75% are bears, 5% are nab mages(?), 10% are complete nubs, then you can beat a whopping 90% of PvP!
(NOTE: perhaps I was thinking back when I rushed everyone as a 16 bird, I could easily catch a pro 15-17 mage by surprise and rek)
Lord of all ToastToastylord - mainEternalord - L15 bear|Eternaltoast - L15 mage
If they do that then we will have the issue of OP endgame birds again. Again, I implore you to think about INT mages (NOT pallies), rhinos and foxes, which are all on the lower end of the stick. Birds at least can still dish out insane amounts of damage to these classes and can still defeat STR bear with relative ease as well. So bird is pretty OP at endgame with the Lust set and 2pc...
the reduced damage was only like 20-30 damage
how would endgame birds be op with only 20 more damage?
umm... didnt they say they wouldnt update anymore..... isnt this talk useless?
IGNS: TUBBYBEHR!! LVL 40 REAPER NUKEY. LVL 40 MAGE PALLY SHUMIAN,+ xsmxkitesxfdx ~ 17~ and xsmskitexfdx ~ 27~
its not yet able to nuke there , try 30 or 45 if you want twink taste. 51 or 56 if you want to feel like playing endgame
Ive tried a paw mage lawl birds are squishy but stupid root and blast shoot nubs do no damage to me
i couldnt agree more
IGNS: TUBBYBEHR!! LVL 40 REAPER NUKEY. LVL 40 MAGE PALLY SHUMIAN,+ xsmxkitesxfdx ~ 17~ and xsmskitexfdx ~ 27~
1. A lvl17 bird can kill the best of 17 mages, its just they suck before lvl17. & at 17 you need fbow.
whereas I can safely tell you a lvl20 dex bow plat set bird can beat a lv18-20 fbow hs bear. They're better later on until mage/bear/fox get their crucial skills.
Check out my Step By Step L.15 Mage Guide
yea they should take it off, bird were op due to extra dodge, taking it off was good decision.
And top of that idk from which angel and who suggested to nerf dodge debuff of bird, it was the stupidest implementation, whearas opponents can have90+ dodge.
Damage should actually be increased by like 4.5x in PvP, also dodge should be reduced around 40% in PvP
How ever much dodge is removed you should gain that number multiplied by 6 added to your health pool and if its less than 100 health points you should gain 20 armor and 200 mana.