I know that this thread will make no sense to some players have already shifted to other games and love other game rather than PL but still i want to make up this thread so the future of PL won't be empty of players
Well, i see much players quitting the game for 3 common reasons.
1. Getting scammed...
2. No updates...
3. Lag issue...
(1) Getting scammed is always happening in PL. Some people are just greedy to get other accs or gold so they can make profit to themselves but in and before 2014, there weren't people saying that we quits PL because i got scammed and no dev or mod helped us but now this is happening. I was been scammed too, and i know how's it feels but i am no quitting the game, i am just working hard for get my scam recovered so i can continue playing this game. So in this part i just want to mention that quitting on getting scammed is something you get annother chance to prove you money making ability so we shouldn't quit on that reason.
I know some people like me are not good merch and can't even make money or pve for the recovery but still we can try
(2) Well, we just get updates after so long period and that was something usual but i know we had hopes for what's coming next, it was like suspense but it can be also suspense to work on pvp and then see who u can beat and who you cannot or for the pvers it could be also suspense to see what you'll get after pveing so long which can be interesting too.
I know the thing i mentioned in column (2) are hard but PL players were always hard working so why they leave working hard now?
Then the second part of this column is quiting for no holiday events. I would go 95% with the player quiting because of this reason because it's sad having no holiday events but still we have our pvp, pve, all the dungeons and many more things from which you can enjoy PL because if i remember events were less than whole year days and people were also playing on those days so why not now?
(3) Lag was always there in pl and will be in the future too. This column lies on sts to fix this problem but still we can fight against lag too. so many solutions are told to fix lag in so many threads so you can also try them (i will be glad if someone post a solution to solve lag). I have been lagging since 3 weeks but still i didn't quit playing pl or so but i have started to pvp less or play the places less where i lag. If you even try to pvp with lag sometims the lag removes

I know that this thread won't improve the condition of PL that much but still if one person come back to PL i would be glad. Thanks for reading my thread and please don't post something bad or something discouraging me because i just wanted to share my idea which i just shared.
Thanks for reading my thread