Waking from his cloudy reverie, Goldfever's eyes snapped open when the mercenaries first cross the threshold into his lair. He slowly stood and walked from his golden throne, his massive bulk snapping free from the trailing rivulets of half-molten gold conncting him to the seat. He took position in the center of his treasure horde and sent his thoughts to the surrounding teetering piles of glittering gold, connecting himself to each piece to sustain himself for the upcoming battle. Smoldering with the heat of the hellish furnace in his chest, he ground his teeth in anticipation. He stood there, stone still in the deep red glow of his own emanations, and waited for his guests.

Tamtam stalked ahead in the cold quiet of the dungeon, his auto-bow unslung and loaded, using his natural darksight to scout corners while remaining in cover of darkness. His dark blue plumage and trimmed talons added to the stealthy effect as he slinked back to the massed group to report a small cluster of bandits ahead. As he hand-signed his findings, Berk, the big Ursan, unlimbered his battle-axe from it's holster. A green pall cast itself against the walls as the plasma blade hissed to life. As he shouldered past Tamtam with murderous intent, a violet glow washed over him and the other members of the squad as Mellora finished the final gestures on a protective charm. Mellora and Harisara, the other spellcaster, quietly advanced on soft leather slippers, Harisara softly glittering from the garnets sewn into her cloak, and Mellora in her jet-black tight-fitting breeches and tunic, adorned with forboding runes and death-heads and finished with a black mask. Silis, a larger Avian with cardinal plumage, followed in rear guard, wielding his glittering shield and throwing spike.

The guards were caught unawares as the giant warrior, his muzzle foaming and his armor alight with flecks of plasma, plowed through the small gate and hacked his glowing blade into the shoulder of a thief who was still trying to draw a weapon. The thief dropped to the floor as Berk poured into two more guards, bellowing with rage. The rest of the gate ignited, along with another guard, as Harisara cast fire from her hands. Within the space of a few seconds, only two of the six guards remained standing, and as the attempted to attack, spikes and arrows bloomed from their chests as the Avians' shots and throws found their marks. The smell of ozone and copper was the only thing left behind as the assailants moved through the room.

"Mmmmmthey haaave skiiiillll..." lilted the golden demon as he stared into the darkness, his voice the only thing remaining of his previous existence. "I willll enjoyyy thee meellleee I think.." as he flexed his barbed fingers, the metallic carapace covering his hands softly creaked.

Godfever's profile still betrayed his elven lineage, but only in caricature. When he traded his immortal soul for worldy fortune, a glaze of his most prized possession covered him, fissuring and bloating, until his was seemingly encased in a gigantic suit of armor, more fit for an ogre than an elf. His elven form was nothing more than a furnace now; a vaguely man-shaped cadeau of glowing ash and coal, it's evil emanations used to power the bulk of his shell, and to force his soldiers into motion through fear and violence from his throneroom and prison, as the gold that fills the room feeds his power. The times he left his room, he collapsed under his own weight and had to drag himself back in to shelter. He plotted his eventual freedom, and the revenge he would perpetrate on the demon Xaxis for this one-sided trade.

The deal was simple; build and empower a single portal in the Dark Forest, and receive riches beyond measure.