I'm tired and 150 of my friends also. But yesterday I conducted a survey in arlor , I asked several pjs in different cities. Want more events? The vast majority I would say 86% of respondents preferred to the No , 24% wanted another event after Gauntlet II .

This shows that many of you really are bored of so many events.

look from the beginning the number of events since the end of Winter.

1. End - winter event .
2. Gauntlet I.
3. The looooong love event That was three weaks in part 1, part 2, part 3 etc...
4. Crafmania event . well this was called for Remi like event but Idk haha
5. Goblin leprechauns event
6. Guantlet II

6 events ! a lot in only three months

Please STS go fast with expansion because I'm quitting lol and I meet many friends who out of game and enter again when some awesome come hehe