the PVP seem very unbalanced (esp for mages) and very short-lived. the matches and even 'lives' dont last long enough to make it enjoyable to all.

spawning needs better logic and/or immune time to give a starting chance.
adding more health or figuring out a different hitpoints/damage/armor system could help make matches longer and more strat involved. (liked the idea of adding "0" to HP to boost up ie adding one thousand.)
mages need some love, they are very squishy.
cannot seem to join townes (yea this isnt exaclty pvp related)

overall interesting update, pvp is kinda cool, but certainly needs alot of tweaking. Thanks for all your hard work devs and STS (spacetime studios). Great product.
Community, keep the constructive criticism and ideas coming, its the only way they will know what we expect and would like in Pocket Legends.