Quote Originally Posted by Synozeer View Post
I'm doing 20 more damage, but that's not what my character with his equipment was designed to do - he was designed to do 40. PvP is putting an artificial reduction on my characters abilities, basically changing the way everything works and interacts with one another. Overall, it's throwing everything out of balance and making PvP boring and generic.

In my opinion, the real way to fix this problem (and several others in the game), is to make gaining hit points level based so that you don't end up with 1st level characters having the same health as a 35th level character. That just doesn't make sense. Sure, this would require a revamp of most things in the game, but there's a reason why almost every level based RPG and MMORPG in existence uses a hit point per level system - it works! And it lets you add a lot more variety to the game without the restraints of staying within the small range of hit points characters can have.

Right now the hit points per level is supplemented with armor. Every level you can do more damage, and armor can absorb more damage. Overall, it stays even, and no matter what class you are, there's very little difference in armors for the different classes. A few points here and there, but that's really not significant. If you had a hit point system, you'd start to get big differences between the class, which is how it should be.
This isn't "every other mmo" if we get to the bottom of things. This is core gameplay, the very basics packaged into a pick-up-and-play digestible format for a portable medium.

Saying you want to keep your +40 damage which you've acquired through gear means those highly geared have an easier time chalking up victories. No thanks, I don't want to grind out gear just so I can be on par with people who have more time to play than I do. I'd rather take my welfare epics and be on a level playing field with those who spent days tracking down a pink helm and still hand out beat downs based on how I play and not what I'm wearing.

The bottom line is PvP is about using your class to the best of its ability..

Saying the PvP is watered down, or lacks dynamics ignores variables such as spec and weapons of choice.