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Thread: New Mythic Armor

  1. #1
    Senior Member Gonnil's Avatar
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    Default New Mythic Armor

    Allbeit this is at first glance, but the stats from the new mythic armor actually redcue my current character stats. This should not be the case, these armors should be far and away better than current mythic or imbued sets as we have them now. Each piece should be an improvement. Now I understand there is going to be a set bonus, and I see that belts certainly offer a nice buff to current stats but in my opinion, the individual peices of the new mythic set should improve on what we have at the moment.

    Make them hard to get but worth it.

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    Cant find the info but they said the stats will change when cap goes live

  3. #3
    Senior Member Dex Scene's Avatar
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    The stats in the test server will change anf also the mythic helm armor ring and the new pend will give bonus stats if all are worn.

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    if ypu take notice to how epidemic gears have their attributte bonus distribution, sts has been trying to reduce secondary attribute given by gears...

    with this, probably there wont be anymore omnipotent rogues which has large pool of mana, health, armor, and high damage at the same time...

    so it is a change that you are all asked for, a class balance...

    but probably it wont be so effective, because of potions... i am thinking that maybe sts should increase as, nox, and sp's cooldown, to make rogue less of being spellcaster, but increase/return rogue's normal attack damage, to make rogue a more damage dealer class...
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    Senior Member Dex Scene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by extrapayah View Post
    if ypu take notice to how epidemic gears have their attributte bonus distribution, sts has been trying to reduce secondary attribute given by gears...

    with this, probably there wont be anymore omnipotent rogues which has large pool of mana, health, armor, and high damage at the same time...

    so it is a change that you are all asked for, a class balance...

    but probably it wont be so effective, because of potions... i am thinking that maybe sts should increase as, nox, and sp's cooldown, to make rogue less of being spellcaster, but increase/return rogue's normal attack damage, to make rogue a more damage dealer class...
    No nerfing rogues please.
    Try again other way around mate.

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    umm isnt it a part of crafting the actual new mythic armor ? isnt it called orcslayer?

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    So planar pendant will be useless now? Spent my savings on that recipe.. Gg

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    The mythic armors at the vendor are most likely the base material for the upgrade-able ones. The have long said that the four-piece mythic set would include pendant too.

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    I am about a year behind, but just now I am trying to upgrade the current mythic for AP and to see what its like. Rogue is lvl 41. Got the essence and they were wrapped by the hermit, But the 'rogue alchemist' only wants to talk about the parchment pet quest. (I realize it may be pointless to upgrade, but I want to do it just once at least). The only alchemist I can find is by the auctioneer, the one that used to be by the far right and up in kelys (near planar tombs). He relocated to near the auctioneer. The other non-rogue alchemist is Rowan, of course. At least I think the is not rogue I dropped the parchment quest but still cant get him to refine my essence, just want to give me parchment again.

    Am I missing another alchemist, or is it a bug that I cant fix until I get the parchment quest done. That could be another couple years T_T

    Update: A friend in guild help me find the answer. It is another character BY the alchemist, who is not labeled as an alchemist, rogue alchemist, or any other, and wouldn't talk to me prior to this quest. Yay. now if I can just find a party patient enough not to kill inan before he's enraged
    Last edited by Oldguy; 06-15-2015 at 06:33 AM. Reason: Found the answer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dex Scene View Post
    No nerfing rogues please.
    Try again other way around mate.
    2nd that. Rogues have been nerfed enough. Recently I have seen sorcs with amazing broad spectrum damage, good build warriors that can stand anywhere without dying. And the rogues keep getting toned down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oursizes View Post
    So planar pendant will be useless now? Spent my savings on that recipe.. Gg
    Are you really complaining about spending your savings on a piece of equipment right before the expansion? Gear is mean to go obsolete, otherwise farming dies. (See upgrading mythics.)

    Anyway, I'd say it was money well spent because it sounds like it will still be competitive, and even if the new pendant blows the planar pendant away, it will take some time before you can get the new one. I never got an arcane ring and was still rocking a level 31(!) ruby and was still fine.

    I don't understand why some people complain about the gap between rich and poor and then turn around and want old equipment to be equal to or even better than new equipment. Then, the rich wouldn't have to do anything, just sit on their amazing gear. There would be no way to make gold.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Coug View Post
    Are you really complaining about spending your savings on a piece of equipment right before the expansion? Gear is mean to go obsolete, otherwise farming dies. (See upgrading mythics.)

    Anyway, I'd say it was money well spent because it sounds like it will still be competitive, and even if the new pendant blows the planar pendant away, it will take some time before you can get the new one. I never got an arcane ring and was still rocking a level 31(!) ruby and was still fine.

    I don't understand why some people complain about the gap between rich and poor and then turn around and want old equipment to be equal to or even better than new equipment. Then, the rich wouldn't have to do anything, just sit on their amazing gear. There would be no way to make gold.
    It has not even been one season yet since the release of the pendant. I was looking for an answer to my question and madnex has given that answer tyvm.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldguy View Post
    2nd that. Rogues have been nerfed enough. Recently I have seen sorcs with amazing broad spectrum damage, good build warriors that can stand anywhere without dying. And the rogues keep getting toned down.
    Just because your fighting geared rogues doesn't mean there op. Mages are very strong. They stun forever and have shield ,and never run out of mana..

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