Hi there, folks!

With the recent changes to the game I was thinking that rewarding the quests is a must now. As for the moment, there is really no incentive in pursuing the quest line in Pve. I have already suggested a respect system, and I am re-suggesting it as a concept. I would like that as long as you complete quests more "options" are unlocked (This may include new items sold by shopkeepers that otherwise are quite useless - People only farm the best items or just skip to the next campaign leaving the noobs items you wear- and actually unlocking gold-based elixir for that campaign only). Everyone agrees that a quest as a single one should give gold + experience + some item (in the most tedious and generally long quests).

Pvp need a rewarding system as well. Kossi said it well and I will add that in general we need a NPC in each towne that based on your kills in specific Pvp-CTF maps (Only dark forest-themed pvp maps will be rewarded by Dark forest NPC) you gain gold, items (even the ones dropped in the Pve line) and vanities.

We need some revamp for crafting. I suggested before but I want to add something new: General purpose recipes! These can be bought at the shopkeeper, let's make some examples:

- Weapon of the zombies: Recipe require any 1h or 2h weapon (bird, mage or bear) and adds 3 h/s to it

- Armour of the ancient: Recipe require any armour (bird, mage or bear) and adds 2 m/s

- Shield of the life: Recipe requires any shield (bird, mage or bear) and adds 30 hp

Every recipes will require some materials to be crafted as well.
You get the idea...this could be even part of the reward system (Both Pve and Pvp), in the sense as you finish quests in Pve and Pvp these recipes are unlocke at the shop.
A char cannot have more a certain number of modifications equipped and an item that have been crafted once, can can be crafted once more and then you have to sell it or liquidate it (This can include that a second crafting can overwrite previous bonuses or add them). This general crafting recipes applies to ALL kind of items (from white to pinks). If a pink has been crafted with a special pink recipe (e.g. Custom repices in BS) cannot be "modded" any more, likewise if a pink has ben crafted with even one general recipe cannot be crafted with the more rare pinks recipes.

Give me your feedback!

Suggestion delivered!