I think that removing the leashes off the brutes in elite maps will bring more difficulty in these elite maps....

Now I know that currently the maps are regular and it is too early to judge elite content, but in the current situation the mobs seem to be in too short clusters with too much spacing between them...

The brutes are the only challenging things about the normal maps (and in elite maps I dont see this being any harder than planar tombs)
By removing the leashes off the brutes and somehow allowing them to not be parked will force players to deal with it...

Also I suggest allowing the war to have some type of advantage when facing the brutes(reduces health of the brutes? Something like weakness of grimnr when facing slag??)

And with the likely case that all the points I have just stated are going to be proven completely invalid I WANT TO FIGHT GIGANTIC TRULLES without the feeling of wasting time...