In fourty minutes this morning (with a lvl 55 int mage) I farmed nothing but Meathead in meathead's deli. Each run took approximately 23 seconds (including remaking the game). This equates to approximately 100 runs.

In these 100 runs, I farmed:
18k gold - from both liquidating, and gold drops
Magic Gem - 8k give or take
Ice Rabbit Ears - 150k (current market value)
L.5 Blacksmith Chain Mail Recepie - 100-150k
Plus throw in some lvl 10 green twink items - (I am not adding in this value because I have no idea the worth of most of the greens)

Total - 274k-324k in 40 mins
(275k/40)*60 = 412k per hour. Beat that Plasma Pyramid