Hello all this is guide I'm making to help people who want to farm kills for different lvs, races gears etc.*


The first thing you must decide is what Goal you are trying to achieve. For instance some people prefer making characters that have o deaths and alot of kills ( known as immortals, made for pve ratio kills to deaths , leaderboard) (OPTION1) and some others prefer to just make a character that they will farm a lot of kills and not even care about deaths ( pve kills , leader board ) ( OPTION 2 ). Then there is the casual main stream option of making a respectable main ( as in main character of choice ) that has reasonably high kills and low deaths or just to raise kills on a character of choice. ( usually made for people to go WOW you have 10000 kills and 2 deaths) ( OPTION 3 ).


Once decided on a goal you may prefer to follow these recommended settings.*

If you decide to choose OPTION 1 then you must next decide on what race you wish to make an immortal ( all the below information can be applied to all races except obvious details such as skills )

If you choose a mage, bird or bear then the fastest and safest way to get nice kills and o deaths is to keep the character at a low lv. The preferred lv for an immortal is lv 12. After reaching this point the best place to farm kills with the lv 12 character would be at bone king ( forest haven , chap 12 ). The dungeon can vary depending on other factors such as if you want to also farm loot at the same time which then makes meatheads deli the best place to farm kills and loots.*

With the characters skills points it is up to your preferred choice of which skills deserves which points ( as long as main important skills are used such as a bears stomp and taunt ).

Gear for the the character is then up to what type you want to be ( dex or int bear is far superior in farming kills compared to str , you may also prefer to have mixed stats of half dex half int). If you choose AN *int Character then the preferred gear would be HELM: Jesters Mage helm CHEST: lv 5 pink sorcerers heavy chain mail. WEAPON: ANY flame blaster as these do area damage to all targets nearby ( there are also event weapons that are useful for farming kills such as the candy cane ).

If you chose dex as your type for your character then tHis is the preferred gear: HELM: Assassins archery cap CHEST: Expert reinforced leather lv 5 WEAPON: frosty/ festive snow ball launcher.

OPTION 2: if your main goal is too just get a lot of fast kills to get a high kills score then a higher lv is recommended such as lv 47 at plasma pyramid. However the lv 12 option is still appropriate.*

Yet again the best type of character is dex and int due to the high dmg. Race doesn't particularly matter here but Mage is the fastest at higher lvs and at plasma pyramid is beneficial. However if you choose the other races that is fine. Next thing to do is find the correct gear for your lv 47 character.*

If your character is dex then this gear is useful: HELM: Raptoride helm lv 47 pink CHEST: Scorpion leather of Osiris WEAPON: Red scarab bow ( any suggestions to this equipment would be appreciated but this is regular affordable equipment).

If you character is int : HELM: Metallic cap of fate CHEST: Metallic robe of fate WEAPON: Apep sunkiller staff of Thoth.*

Hidden hideout 4 ( located at bale fort ) is also another extremely fast farming zone for kills however is a public game and is often interrupted by others.

OPTION 3: If you decide you feel like a casual on/ off kill farming then these next tips would be helpful. If you feel like making a new main then -Lower lvs such as 12,22 ( hidden passage 4), 25 ( mega maze mash up) would be handy. If your continuing a mains kills already then the following may help: lv 47 ( plasma pyramid ) , lv 52 ( crush the keeper , use either the sentinel set if your dex or the cosmos set if int ).


I hope this guide provides helpful to some people and if anyone has any tips, ideas, suggestions or questions feel free to post