Quote Originally Posted by G-M View Post
We haven't made any changes to the Ren'gol crates since 6/30 when we fixed a bug related to crate tokens. Also we don't update the game on the weekends.
Hmm, so if one assumes both cases are true.... that's a mystery that begs to be solved.

Is there anything that might explain the phenomenon that conradev is describing? If what con described is accurate, the contrast between one time period and another in terms of perceived loot success is extremely sharp. I'd bet this is the source of many players' frustration - to con and other players in his situation, it looks like the spigot was turned off even if you hadn't made any changes. Idk it might be worth checking into and finding out why it seems to happen this way. If there's a good explanation to be had, it would alleviate a lot of the negative emotions many players feel.