last year when They promised a skill revamp, it was assumed that it would also bring balance to the classes. Nobody was happy then with the direction the game was heading (Rogue Legends) but they managed to appease us with the promise of proper skills that would make sense at the new level cap.

Fast forward to today. They reneged on their promise saying the changes necessary were too vast, and instead elected to keep the status quo and carry on. The ramifications are pretty evident. ANY changes they would make would be great, good or bad, but at least it would show they care enough to update the game and keep it viable.

Until then, my tank gets trotted out for some dailies, then gets put back in his rocking chair to yell at all the young whipper snapper rogues cruising by killing everything with a couple shots (Pve, PvP), being able to do proper crowd control with like a mage with traps and frost bow, casting a much superior shield with nekro than a warrior could ever dream of casting, and generally kicking butt in every category.

For those that say warriors are an integral part of the game, they really aren't. Elites wont change much either. Once the end gamers get geared up, they shed their warrior buddies and proceed as they usually do to run quick times and still enjoy the game.

Until then, If you are a warrior, get used to not running alot or pugging and hoping for the best, or make a rogue (skip the mage, he's like a bastard child of the rogue) and see all the friends you'll suddenly make, and all the parties that you'll get invited too!