I've only played since last Dec. 2014 and worked my way up. Got the very best crafted Savage Dragon armor for my 76 fox. Every few days or weeks, I get the 3x combo daily blessing and a couple of days ago, I played 30 or so RDS runs. Yesterday I got hooked onto a RDS game without the 3x and picked up 3 pinks. Nice! I couldn't see that anyone else got worse drops (nobody did better than me, I think). Didn't hurt anyone's chances.

Today I got no 3x combo and get booted or threatened when I try to enter RDS runs. I actually had one jerk come down from the plate and stand in front of me! What a turd-blossom!

Personally, I think it's BS. Let the better, higher level players in, restrict to 74 up, say or even 77. I don't care. THAT would make sense. Faster runs, more drops and better for anyone.

So, somebody please tell me what the idea is of not letting players in without the combo? Or am I missing something?