This happened just after I posted about Red Dragon Slayer requiring (with little reason, IMO) a 3x combo or some other plat elixir that I don't know about. I'm hosting a Magma and a friend or two show up....I get an invite. I quit my game. MY game. Me the host.

A "friend", 77 had invited me to RDS and then booted me when I got there. He didn't ASK me to leave which would have been marginal, just boot! I asked why and he said "No combo". I said, well, that sucks. Invite me and boot me?! He said "No combo, no come".

That's right, folks, it was MY PROBLEM. I shoulda known better than to show up w/o a 3x!

I sent my last msg to him: "That's not true but this is: Invite/Boot means Not Friend". And I unfriended the effer. Being a 77 is no guarantee of being a good player.