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Jewel system is a nice idea IMO,but i'd rather prefer buying a gem for 40k rather than a standard jewel for 90k (idk what price is atm).During the test server,jewel drops were fine,they dropped like essences.But in the live server,all we got were nature and water jewels.
This season was the season of sts not giving a penny about the game.The only thing i liked was that the arcanes were finally affordable.The orcslaying set? I know that its stats need a liiiiiitle buff,but make it that we don't have to pray to get an insignia.I like Madnex's idea of making a daily quest that gives insignias.About the mythic set,i don't need to explain this.Buff ASAP.
Ursoth event was the biggest fail in AL.This showed how sts wants to make money.I mean,every company wants to make money,but the way sts does it is ridiculous.
I feel like The Rage of the Ren'gol is Warlords of Draenor of AL.There is honestly nothing to do.Farming arena? No thanks,i got sick of it.Farming teeth? This is slavery. Farming ren'gol? Are you kidding me?
Scale the elites please!
And Warrior still the most useless class in the game.AL is the only game where the big guy with muscles is good at nothing.If you want to play the game,make a rogue.