Quote Originally Posted by BeardedBear View Post
Sure big Z, I'm always down to break people off with knowledge. Can't say I care for your friend arhistolle or monkeyburger's flaming. He is critizing a str bear which most people are too scared to play at any pvp lvl. After leaving with my 35 and coming back with my 30 to beat a Mage that owned him, he said "how?" and "your good". I explain to him what a weapon procs are, then reveal who I am and of course he goes right back to being a tool.

You can keep your money Parth, can't say I'd use it. PVP isn't very much holding my attention anymore with running into someone unpleasant at every corner.
Aris and monkey are really nice once you get to know him, he is a decent pvper too, sorry if I get a bit angry pvp at lvl 35 really frustrates me because of the players and after this tourney I think I'll be playing on my 55 alot more often, what's your lvl 30 char? And by the way there are some very nice twink pvpers, just gotta know how to find them or get to know them, I think the best way to get to know them is to prove your skills to them, you definitely proved to me.