* Character Name: Vallist
* Category: Dex
* Your Items Name: Million Feast
* Written description of the weapon:
This weapon was sent off millions of years ago to undergo testing. During those millions of years this bow has killed millions of lives, enemies and its users. Human, Alien, whatever it is that wield this bow must believe and have the strength to connect with the bow. Finally the bow has been complete. Silknight a powerful witch now has full control over the bow. With the power of the user combine with the power of the weapon. Silknight and her henchmen will be an unstoppable force...

Note: The bow on the right is my final submission.
~~~~~ This image was made on MS Paint sorry for the quality.
~~~~~The 2nd image is not a submission, it is just to show that this was made by me. My work ~~~~~progress.
~~~~~~~ Click for full size image of the submission--- Alternative Link
~~~~~~~ Click for full size image of the Work Progress
--- Alternative Link

Images of your design:

Work progress: