Thank all and thank you avikk the most!!!

Haven't posted a while about my build but here it is.. and upgrade from last time.

Weapon - blunderbuss wisdom gun
helm - glintstone cowl of the arcanist
armor - slaterock robe of pro
belt - bonecrusher's belt of brawn
ring - rendtail ring
necklace - wild talisman of bru

and pet.. now i have nekro

stats with all and pet

str - 139
hp - 4520
dex -132
dodge - 7.60
crit - 24.20
intel - 700
bns. dmg 450%
mana 7150
damge 952.59
dps 1150.78
armor 1774

and skills

armor 5/5
crit 2/5
dex 5/5
str 5/5
intel 5/5

ice no last upgrae
light no last upgrade
gale all upgrades ( i gale )
shield no knockback upgrade
time/clock no explode upgrade
life just mana upgrade

and thank you for all the help.

Oh and the curse skill..
i went

curse 5/5
heal 5/5
time 5/5
fireball 5/5

curse skill = a lot of death... but faster kills for pt.
thats all i got to say after trying it for parch#3 need tank especially. 2 would be nice horn all day 3 is too good.