I was wondering since we need to grind so many fangs/cracked jewel to craft mythics/craft superb jewels and para gem didn't come back and also we lost the gem with the arrival of the lvl 46 mythics weekend how about a 2x chance for fangs/jewels ?

I gave up asking to fix the jewel system since no DEV has no comment about a most deserved buff . Either way, gems are going to disappear and their price is increasing slowly ( imagine a 2 x chance to get a paragem weekend right now ) how about giving us a chance to get those finesse/chaos/mind/fury easier. And fangs, let's say I can do the mythic helmet but to craft 2 more worthless items to get the mythic armor ? It's descouraging and frustrating in the same time. I'm aware of what I'm asking. Some people always will pay a lot of gold to get an exclusive item but let's not forget about mid class and and casual players too.


I know many of you wait for the plat sale to come this week. As a matter a fact I'm annoyed of plat sales because they are crashing market of ankhs,luck elixirs,energy and plat pruchaseables. I'm mostly a fan of -40% plats to open crates since almost everybody wants to open crates during events.