Welcome to the Pocket Legends Fan Art Forum!

This forum is for anyone to show off their Pocket Legends artwork. Please keep in mind that any images, video or content displayed here must comply with the Game's Terms of Service and Forum Rules. Specifically:

12. Player Generated Content.

We do not host screenshots, signature pictures, or other images on this message board. You are more than welcome to link to images hosted in other places, as long as they are of an appropriate and non-offensive nature and/or do not otherwise infringe the intellectual property rights of any party. Below is a list of examples of what is not permitted.

* Images which are: sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive; obscene or contain vulgar language; images that illustrate/show illegal activity.

* Links to images that are inappropriate will be removed and your forum account may be shut down.

* Copyrighted, proprietary images, trade marks as well as images that do not belong to you (i.e. photographs or artwork which are used without permission of the creator) are also forbidden.